  • 12th April 2016
  • Blog
  • by Pete Green
  • 0

Everyone has their own favourite meal on a boat, and everyone has a meal that brings back memories, good or bad. For example, I cannot drink tomato cup-a-soup or coffee whilst on a yacht delivery, but I can sink gallons of tea and mushroom cup-a-soup!

Yacht delivery crew tend to be a little less fussy on a boat especially if they haven’t had to do the cooking.

Most of the favourite dishes are one pot or one dish wonders – always the best as can be made in most weather conditions.

Here is a list of the top 10 voted meals:

1. Chilli con Carne – stand out favourite







2. Spaghetti Bolognaise







3. Curry and Rice- any variety







4. Pasta Pesto

Pasta Pesto






5. Sausage and Mash

Sausage and mash






6. Risotto







7. Pasty and beans

Pasty and Beans






8. Macaroni Cheese/Pasta Bakes







9. Shepherd’s Pie

Shepherds Pie






10. Bacon, Bacon, Bacon!







And for those that like to snack…

Top 10 snacks:

1. Chocolate – any variety

2. Fruit cake

3. Crisps

4. Biscuits

5. Gummy bears/Haribo

6. Fruit & Nut Mix

7. Ginger Biscuits

8. Cereal Bars

9. Fruit

10. Brioche – ones with the chocolate pieces


We are sure that you may disagree or want to add to the list, so please do comment!!!


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Halcyon Yachts Ltd is a dedicated international yacht delivery specialist with highly experienced and qualified crew. For more information or to see details of their recent deliveries please visit

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